As environmentalist, we have made efforts through public campaign, advocacy, education, etc. as a tool in promoting and fighting for the protection of the environment over the years, which in some cases has resulted in some of our fellow activists, sent to prison, others killed, bullied, etc and while individuals, cooperate organization and government. has continue to abuse Nature.
Suddenly, with the advent of COVID-19, without much campaign or efforts from campaigners, nature is revamping herself. Governments suddenly becoming responsible, with it the order of COVID-19, pollutants are been halted such as the following but not limited to this list.
1. Carbon emission that has been hurting the earth has dropped drastically. e.g less cars on the road, industries shut down
2. Animals poaching due to the global lockdown, has reduced
3. Plastics pollution has dropped rapidly allowing the ocean and fishes to recover.
4. Air and noise pollution from industries and planes has dropped drastically. Resulting in cleaner air.
5. Demands and supply of woods has dropped. Giving room for tress to grow.
6. All environmental wickedness in high places, against minority groups, developing countries,etc has dropped.
COVID-19 has help us arrest this and many other crimes against the Environment.
Please!!!, let humanity continue living for the protection of the environment like this after the COVID-19 impasse is over.
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