Food for thought about the Environmental

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  • What would keep the environment beyond today is the protection we make for it today
  • A better environment today is a better future
  • Environmental protection is living beyond today while planning for tomorrow or thinking ahead of tomorrow
  • Every individual and government have reason to give excuses about environment protection, I have discovered that if you allow excuses you will allow environmental failure
  • The producer of environmental pollution should be required to pay all associated environmental costs.
  • The producer of environmental pollution should be requiring having their entire product recyclable to reduce all associated environmental costs.
  • Environmental failure tends to follow failure in a pattern that grows bigger every day.
  • Every Law in each state should require polluters to buy a carbon permit for every metric tonne of carbon pollution emitted, or face a fine of 100,000.00 per metric tonne fine. This is what is obtainable in developed countries

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