The objective of this blog page is to invite researchers, academia and corporate executives to present research papers, publication, video, articles, and case studies in relation to environmental pollution generally and recommend sustainable strategies for environmental management.
Across the various communities in Nigeria, one major issue that very little attention has been paid to is the inadequate or adequate compensation of pollution victims. The Nigeria laws in this regard are very weak and as such pollutants take advantage of their victims.
In developed countries, issues of environmental compensation of victims are of almost important and realist. While almost in all the developing countries, compensation of environmental victims is almost not possible. Some countries don’t even have a legal framework, others who has are out-dated and while some who has a little hope or window of opportunity for compensation don’t get justice. Why? Due to lack of an actionable enforcing policies and programme, backed by appropriate rules/legislations and treaties at all levels of administration in the entire developing countries. So Environmental pollutants get away with their injurious environmental pollution. We therefore huge all authorities and government to change, or reshape environmental policy in view of changing realities.
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